Dear Tenant...
I'll start by saying, I'm sorry for poking you so often the past 8 months. I try to make up for it by sitting and laying in the most uncomfortable positions possible any time you stretch out, I bet it's getting pretty cramped in there and I want you to be comfortable. Your dad would say, "He's running out of womb."
In a few short weeks you'll be here in our arms, and I miss you already. But after having you all to myself for so long, I guess it is only fair for me to share you with the world. I know your dad just can't wait to get his chance to hold you. And whether we're ready or not, the time for that is just around the corner. My goal for the past 8 months has been your safe arrival, and I pray that I've given you everything you will need to enter the world healthy and strong.
The world is a big and scary place, and your first day in it won't be a picnic for either of us. I have to remind myself that besides our voices, everything will be new for you. You'll probably feel overwhelmed. If things are too much, just close your eyes and listen to me and your dad. We'll be right there, and we'll carry you through the new experiences.
I've learned so much from you already. Everything you do amazes me. I've really learned about life and living since you came along, and I know you have as much left to teach me as I have to teach you. I hope I teach you the right lessons. And I know you'll have alot of lessons you have to learn on your own. But I'll be right here to support you as much as I can through them all.
I know it sounds like alot, so relax and enjoy the next few weeks and I will keep giving you everything you need.
Love from the outside world,
P.s., If you could stay out of my ribs for the next few weeks, I would really appreciate it.
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