
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rolly Joely

   Last week I was laying in bed feeling sad (oh, hormones) when Joel finally decided to say hello. I wasn't sure at first if I was finally feeling him so I gave my stomach a few good pokes and waited. Sure enough, I got another nudge right back. It was wonderful. Subtle, and it was all I got for the night, but it was awesome to finally FEEL him move inside.

    The next night, me and Aaron were watching a movie. I happened to have my hands on my stomach and I felt the weirdest thing. I had Aaron put his hand on my stomach and he could feel it too. Joel was rolling around, and did for a few good minutes before he found his spot and got settled in. Since then I have felt him randomly wiggle or poke at me, usually at night. I can't wait for the movements to be stronger and more obvious, and much more frequent.

   Yesterday I had my 20 week ultrasound and got to watch him wiggle around quite a bit. Again I was struck with how much he moved vs how little I felt (I only felt a single nudge from him when he stretched out and arched his back.) It was great to see he is still developing on track and even count his fingers and toes. And we confirmed again he is a boy- he wouldn't let us miss it! We got quite a few good glimpses of his boy bits during the ultrasound while the technician was checking other things.

   I just can't believe that I'm halfway there! As slow as it can seem, looking back at the past 20 weeks I'm shocked at how they've flown by. (Well, 17 weeks counting from when I found out.) I can't wait to hold him in my arms, but there is still so much to do to prepare for him. (I am positively freaked out that I am halfway there and don't have a single cloth diaper or onsie.) I am starting to realize the limitations of a small 1 bedroom apartment, but I am rearranging it in my head daily to make sure Joel has the closest thing to an awesome nursery we can give to him.

   And I hope the little dude appreciates the ocean theme I plan on decking his room out in. (Everyone knows a baby NEEDS a room to be totally themed and matched for be happy.)

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